I got to visit the Animal Humane society earlier today with Chris (one of my favorite places to visit, but one of the hardest places to leave!) and was excited to see that on our way in a couple was coming out with a new friend! There- we found a little nine-month-old siamese mix that looks just like our kitty, Jadey.
It took all of my will-power not to walk out with him! They would have made great friends! For those of you that are wondering why I couldn't bring myself to get another kitty -- it's because I definitely have my fair share of cats at home. And the dogs. -- Don't forget about those dogs.
Still, I fall in love with every single cat that I meet! Even the naughty ones!
I am really looking forward to a little bit of a slower week this week.
We have one class for CVA tomorrow - and another one for MCAD tomorrow night, but then Thanksgiving break starts. I'm a little surprised! It totally snuck up on me.
I'm thinking that while I have some time, I might just get a little personal art done. I was thinking of starting a couple new pieces. I'm not sure yet if they'll be digital or if I want to do some kind of traditional-media / digital hybrid.... or what.
I'm sure I'll figure it out! Oh yes. And - I still want to draw a million little cute pieces of food / creatures. That's what I get for playing Megu!
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