27 Haziran 2012 Çarşamba

Serendipity Sign...

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Serendipity (srn-dp-t)
n. pl. ser·en·dip·i·ties

1. The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident.

A friend asked me to make this sign for her.  I wasn't sure what serendipty even meant, other than I remembered that there had been a fairy tale that had used the word.  I don't like making things if I don't understand what the meaning behind them is, so I googled it and was so happy when I saw the meaning!  It's beautiful!  Who doesn't love to make a fortunate discovery by accident?  Isn't this how most of us find love?  I hope she loves the sign as much as I do, the picture doesn't do it justice!

Linking to:
& making-monday-marvelous
& trash-to-treasure
& mad-skills-party
& tipjunkie
& too-cute-tuesday
& whatever-goes-wednesday
& lil-luna-link-party
& wednesdays-wowzers

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